Welcome to GURUKOOL

About Us

“Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field, I will meet you there”- Rumi

MAMC was always my second home – It gave me what I have and made me a proud doctor and an even prouder Maulanian – a word whose depth only Maulanians will understand. But something felt amiss – the true potential of all those in MAMC was not being tapped, a coldness had crept in the air of MAMC. Whenever we would sit and talk, there were many issues to be addressed in the college but no one to do so. Everyone conveniently shifted the blame to others and along with it, the responsibility of bringing about any needed change. The leadership, proactiveness and the sense of ownership for the college and its people was missing. The learning too, had become superficial and mechanical – as if we were creating robots and not trained human doctors………Read More







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Maulana Azad Medical College   
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg                
New Delhi – 110002
Email – info@gurukoolmamc.in   
